Browse Plugins
Curated, audited, enhanced and installed.
List of all plugins
A-Z Lists
Allows you to insert an A-Z index into a page or post. It’s a quick and easy solution for situations where you need to list a large number of items in a filterable and easily searched A-Z list.
Accessible Content 
Scan pages and posts for potential accessibility issues and learn how to fix them. Plus, add and edit Alt Text all in one place.
Helps with a variety of common accessibility problems in WordPress themes.
Accessible Social Sharing 
Adds accessible social share button to every post and page, so readers can easily share your content on their social networks.
Additional File Types
Manage the file types that are allowed for users to upload, and safely support a large number of file types that WordPress usually does not allow.
Advanced Custom Fields PRO
For adding custom fields to your WordPress edit screens.
Advanced Network Settings
Network options for Filtered/Custom HTML and JS, enable the HTTP Strict Transport Security Header network wide, customize X-FrameOptions Header, control SEO settings for archive pages and modify robots.txt output.
Advanced WordPress Importer
Turns the built-in WordPress XML site import tool into an API service, which means you can easily bring in large WordPress sites with lots of pages, content, and files.
Advanced Settings
Adds extra options for greater control of your site including which posts appear on your front page, the order posts displayed, featured images, excerpts, prevent file downloads and add custom JS or CSS code.
Advanced Tables
Advanced solution for creating and managing table. Ideal tool for large tables that require visitors to sort, filter, search data. Can also import a range of file formats including Excel spreadsheets to create tables. Powered by the TablePress plugin.
Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your site from spam. It keeps your site protected even while you sleep.
Protection against spam comments.
Audit Logging 
Tracks user activity to help you identify who made changes to which site and what change was made.
Banned Words
Words banned in comments.
Batch Create
Create hundred or thousands of blogs and users automatically by uploading a CSV file.
Beehive Analytics
Brings Google Analytics data inside the WordPress dashboard. Allows for Multisite network tracking and individual sites to have their own Google Analytics code.
Gives you a way to remove, hide, or customize nearly anything in the WordPress dashboard. Favicons, login images, footer text, admin messages, and more.
Bulk Media Downloader 
Allows users to select, zip and download multiple media files from their media library at the same time.
Display a calendar of events, assignments, or holidays. Import and sync with Google Calendars, and let visitors add events to their calendars directly. Works great with visitors using screen readers too.
CampusPress Cache
Integrates with our various cacheing tools to help ensure that cache is cleared with a new page, post, or comment is published.
CampusPress CDN
Our Content Delivery Network, powered by Stackpath, has more than 45 global edge locations to serve file uploads. No settings or configuration needed.
Canvas/Blackboard LTI Integration
Allows your users to connect their CampusPress sites with their LMS courses in Canvas, Blackboard or using LTI.
Co-Authors Plus
Designed to allow you to assign multiple authors as a byline to a post, page or custom post type.
Add over twenty extra blocks to the block editor to creating a more page builder like editing experience.
Comment Moderation E-mail only to Author
Send comment moderation notifications ‘only’ to the post author, not to the site administration address as configured on Settings > General, unless the author has no moderation rights.
Completely Disable Comments
Allows you to disable comments completely on your site or on specific post types.
Content Monitor
Used to monitor every site on your CampusPress network for bad words and will send an email if the word is used in a page or post.
Content Syndicator (Reader)
Integrates with our Post Indexer plugin to add shortcodes and editor blocks to make it easy to display content across multiple sites on a network.
Content Update Notification
Get an email when content is published or updated. Ideal for multi-author sites where administrators need to be alerted to content change for review or regulatory compliance.
Cool Timeline
Create a beautiful vertical timeline that you can add to a page or post.
Crowdsignal Polls & Ratings
Create and manage polls inside your dashboard. Ratings can be displayed above or below posts, pages and comments. Ratings enables your readers to vote on content shared on your site.
Custom CSS
Enables you to modify the theme’s fonts, colors, border and backgrounds by adding custom stylesheets to your site.
Custom Post Type UI
Provides an easy to use interface for registering and managing your custom post types and taxonomy.
Customizer Export/Import
Adds settings export and import functionality to the WordPress customizer.
Defender Security
Our firewall and API service which scans all plugins and themes for potential security vulnerabilities. Includes hardening options to further lock down and protect WordPress sites from abuse.
Deprecation Manager
For when it comes time to retire a plugin or theme. Set a sunset date, show admin warnings, restrict usage, and choose which theme to activate after deprecation.
Divi Accessibility
Improves the accessibility and usability of the popular premium Divi theme.
Divi Builder
The ultimate WordPress page builder. Already included and not needed when using the Divi or Extra theme.
DOGO Content Widget
Easily add DOGO widgets to your blog’s sidebar where you can display engaging content from one or more DOGO websites.
Domain Mapping
For Super Administrators to map a domain to any URL, with optional SSL certificates generated via Let’s Encrypt for the new domains.
Duplicate Posts & Pages
A quick way to duplicate or copy a post or page, including the title, contents, tags and categories so you can re-use an existing post easily with minimal effort.
Edit Flow
For group blogs or multi-author sites. Includes a calendar, custom post statuses, threaded commenting in the post editor for private discussion between writers and editors and more.
Editorial Access Manager
Allows you to grant access to specific user groups or users to edit selected posts and pages.
Embed Any Document
Quick and easy tool to help you embed any document into posts and pages.
Featured Video Plus
Allows you to display featured videos on posts and pages.
Easily add elegant footnotes to posts and pages. Type them inline in your post in square brackets like this: [1. This is a footnote.] Each footnote must have a number followed by a period and a space and then the content.
Formidable Forms
Allows you to easily create forms of all shapes and sizes – and so much more.
Forminator Forms
Simple forms, polls, and quizzes with a drag-and-drop editor and integration with many popular services.
Allows you to easily add forums to any page or post on your site.
GatherContent Plugin
Imports items from GatherContent to your site.
Google Connect
Enable login and auto account creation with your Google Apps for Education domain.
Google Tag Manager
Allows you to add Google Tag manager to your site without having to add the Google Tag manager code snippet into your theme.

H5P Campus
Allows H5P content built on to be uploaded for storage and use on your site.
Allows you to use HubSpot email marketing, CRM, forms, popups, and live chat on your site.
Hummingbird Performance
Advanced tools for asset optimization, minification, CDN for theme files, page caching, and more.
Improved File Uploads
Integrates the WordPress file system with Amazon S3 for access to unlimited storage space, which improves site performance as well.
Jetpack by
Powerful plugin that adds several different features and tools to your blog.
JSON feed
Provides feeds in JSON form. Once activated your new JSON feed is located by adding ?feed=json to the end of your site URL.
Kaltura Media Space
Used to connect with Kaltura Online Video Platform.
LaTeX Math Symbols
Allows you to use LaTeX code in posts and comments. LaTex is good for formatting mathematical formulas and equations.
LDAP Authentication
Enable login and auto account creation using an LDAP server for authentication.
Lightbox for Images
Adds an overlay that goes over the site and shows the larger version of the image when a reader clicks on the image so that readers can view without navigating away from the page.
Live Shortcodes
Lets you quickly and easily add cool things to posts and pages such as accordions, toggles, tabs, dividers, buttons, RSS with minimal effort by configuring and inserting shortcode.
Log In Message
Add custom log in messages
LTI Integration
IMS Basic Learning Tools Interoperability
Mathematica Toolbox
A “toolbox” of shortcodes for Mathematica and the Wolfram Language. Includes source code highlighting, automated CDF embedding, Wolfram Cloud API utility shortcode, and a seamless cached interface to
Media Tree
Allows you to easily group files into categories and display them in “tree” view in a post or page using shortcode.
Mega Menu
Used to create stunning, highly customizable navigation menus for your site using a user-friendly drag and drop menu builder.
Menu Icons
Provides an easy way to icons to your custom menu.
Meta Tag Manager
Add custom meta tags to specific posts and global meta tags that display on specific custom post types, taxonomies, your front page or your whole site. Can be used for Google and Yahoo site verification.
Enables you to quickly add a slideshow to posts, pages and sidebars.
Multisite Privacy
Makes additional site privacy options available to restrict access to individual sites. Sites can have a single shared password, locked to certain users, or anyone with a known login account can view the site.
Multisite Reader
The ‘Reader’ brings social network features to the WordPress dashboard, allowing users to follow, subscribe, and comment across blogs and sites on a network. Integrates with our ‘My Class’ tool to automatically follow and discover content by classmates.
My Class Student Management
A complete suite of tools for teachers to manage the blogs, sites, and ePortfolios of students. Moderate posts and comments, leave private feedback using the “Reader”, and manage student permissions.
Network Messages
Provide site visitors and users with helpful tips, promotion or news that can be displayed as customizable pop overs or as messages in the header or footer on the front end or inside the dashboard of all sites or on specific sites.
Pixabay Images
Find quality public domain images from Pixabay and upload them with just one click.
Plugin Manager
Configure which plugins are available on which sites, which are auto-activated, or which are hidden. Also, rename plugins and add customized links to documentation.
Used to create a bilingual or multilingual site. Write your posts, pages, categories, tags in the different languages and then readers click on the Language switcher to change to their language.
Post Expirator
Allows you to add an expiration date and time to posts which you can configure to either delete the post, change it to a draft, or update the post categories at expiration time.
Post Indexer
Runs in the background to make it possible to display feeds of global tags, categories, and content published across all sites on a Multisite network.
Post Types Order
Allows you to change the order of any posts, pages or custom post types.
Posts & Pages Restriction
Limit access to certain posts or pages so that only logged in users are able to view the content in those posts or pages. Useful where you want parts of your site accessible to all visitors while restricting access to certain posts or pages to specific readers.
Publications Manager
An easy to use tool for organizing and displaying publications.
Press This
Quickly share text, images or videos from any website via a post from your blog without having to visit your dashboard using a bookmarklet to your browser’s toolbar.
Print My Blog
Allows you to print your entire blog to paper, PDF, or eBook.
Print, PDF & Email by PrintFriendly
Optimize your posts and pages for printing and lets your readers download or email a PDF version of your posts or pages.
Public Post Preview
Enables you to give a link to other people so they can preview your post before it is published without being added as a user to your site.
Regenerate Thumbnails
Regenerate thumbnail sizes for one or more images that have been uploaded to your media library. Helpful for fixing image issues caused when switching to a new theme that uses featured images of a different size compared to your previous theme.
Reports & Batch Edits
For Multisite networks, run reports and make batch updates across multiple sites for themes, plugins, privacy settings, and users.
Restricted Site Access
Used to limit access to your site to visitors who are logged in or accessing the site from a set of specified IP addresses. It’s a good solution for Extranets, publicly hosted Intranets or when you want to limit access to your site while it is under construction.
Review Notifications
Notifies administrator when posts are submitted pending review.
RSS Featured Images
Automatically includes featured image in your RSS feed. When you enable this plugin, RSS readers that have image support will be able to display the featured image associated with your posts within their feeds.
Safe Redirect Manager
Allows you to redirect your site, pages or posts to new URL’s.

Enable login and auto account creation by connecting with your Shibboleth, Azure AD or SAML server.
Show Display Names
Lists the display names of all users in Users > All Users in site admin dashboard which can be used for searching by a person’s display name.
Signup & Invites
Allows you to replace the WordPress signup page (wp-signup.php) with your own custom signup form.
Simple Google Search
Replace your search results with the ones provided by Google. Your site must be set to ‘Allow search engines’ in Settings > Reading to use. Set up your search engine at then add your “Google Search Engine ID” in Settings > General.
Simple SEO
Quick and easy tool for building a solid foundation for an SEO-friendly website.
Simple Tooltips
Quick and easily tool to add tooltips to your text in posts and pages.
Site And User Creator
When enabled, allows site administrators to create new users and sites in bulk from the WordPress dashboard.

Site Affiliation
Auto add users to a site based on the users’ affiliation meta and affiliation value on networks configured to authenticate using the shibboleth or CAS plugin.
Site Cloner
Makes it possible to clone or duplicate a single site on a Multisite network. Often used for staging sites and testing, as you can then clone back over the original.
Site Directory
Add a searcheable directory of sites on a Multisite network to the main site – includes options for categories.
Integrates your site with Siteimprove. A siteimprove subscription is required to use.
Site Map
Creates a sitemap suitable for search engines that will be available at
Site Template
Set up blog templates that can be used for creating other blogs that are almost an exact copy of the template blog.
Slide In
Add smooth slide-ins to your site to grab your visitors attention to share messages, content or to add a call to action like a Subscribe by Email form.
Subscribe By Email
A built-in email notification tool for individual sites on a Multisite network. Import/export lists of subscribers, and add a sidebar widget to allow visitors to sign up. The email notification can be customized and branded too.
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
Allows you to post source code for others to view by enclosing your code in shortcode which preserves its formatting while providing syntax highlighting for certain languages.
Table of Contents
Add tables of contents to posts, pages and sidebars.
Terms of Service
Add your Terms of Service to your signup page.
Term Management Tools
Used to reorganize your tags and categories to merge terms, set parent terms or convert terms from tags to categories or vice versa.
Theme Manager
Configure which themes are available to sites on a Multisite network. Customize categories and theme details, as well.
TinyMCE Advanced
Adds extra features like tables, emoticons and custom font families to your visual editor’s toolbar and gives you more control in what’s included in TinyMCE, the visual editor in WordPress.
User Reports
Generate reports of all posts or comments by your users, or a specific user, for a site or for all sites attached to My Class.
User Switching
Enables a super admin user on a CampusPress network to easily switch to a user’s account for user testing.
VR Viewer
Embed 360° photos and videos in posts or pages.
Widget Importer & Exporter
Easily copy widgets from a site to a new site.
Lets you make as many wiki pages on your site as you’d like.
Designed to optimize your content for social networks by improving the way your content is displayed when shared on a social media website by adding Twitter cards and Open Graph meta tags.
Allows AJAX requests from other sites to integrate content from your site using the CORS standards.
Enable login and auto account creation using an existing CAS single sign-on architectures.
Add video tutorials for beginners to your dashboard.