Billing & payment info

<p>Here is information on how best to send payment: Schools In The USA We prefer POs to be sent via email to If required, our fax number is (512)887-2564.Download our W9 here. 1. ChecksThe preferred method of payment is to send a check made out to Incsub, LLC and sent to: Incsub, LLCPO BOX&#8230;</p>


<p>Student Management My Class is designed to connect student blogs to their class blog, course blog or year level blog where the teacher can control privacy, comment moderation, post moderation and what students can do on their sites with just one click. Posts from all sites connected to the class blog via My Class are&#8230;</p>


<p>Developers You can add custom themes and plugins provided: Your CampusPress plan includes the option to add custom themes and/or plugins (email&nbsp; to confirm if included). &nbsp; The theme or plugin meets our custom code guidelines. Submitting Themes We use Git for managing code. To add themes to your network, please head over to BitBucket&#8230;</p>

Branding &amp; Logos

<p>On CampusPress network, you have complete control over all aspects of branding &#8211; logos, links, and more. All changes and customization are made by going to&nbsp;Branding&nbsp;in the network admin dashboard. Here&#8217;s an overview of how you can use branding: Images You can use the Image options&nbsp;to replace: Here is what the default login image and&#8230;</p>

Network settings

<p>The Settings area in the Network Admin dashboard is where you can configure your network title, network admin email, the emails sent users, your network language and the default theme used on newly created sites. You configure your network settings as follows: 1. Go to&nbsp;Settings &gt; Network Settings&nbsp;in the network admin dashboard. 2. &nbsp;Once you&#8230;</p>