Student ePortfolios, Blogs, and School Websites

We provide a safe, secure, and easy-to-manage WordPress Multisite platform for your entire school or district. Our solutions are ideal for student ePortfolios, blogs, classroom communication, and any other K-12 website needs.

Build A Community

Engage students with an authentic audience

Our website platforms are equipped with a private ‘social network’ feature where users are able to follow each other, discover content, and leave comments – allowing your school to build a true community through publishing.

Manage Users

Getting students and classes up and running – quickly and with ease

We integrate our websites with all single-sign-on systems that allow you to use one ID and password to log in to multiple sites. We also offer student management tools to administer access levels, private settings, invites and more.

Picture of an empty classroom

Built For Learning

WordPress sites become the glue that brings everything together

Teachers can moderate or approve posts and comments, send private feedback, run class activity reports, and organize students into groups and classes.


ePortfolios, blogs and other content in action

See showcase


All Saints College

All Saints College

Other bespoke services

Campuspress logo


It’s fast, easy, and hassle-free to migrate existing sites and networks to us.

Custom design

Share your plugin/theme needs. If it’s possible, we will create it.


Both in-person and virtual options available – tailored to your needs.

Site Reviews

Site performance, accessibility & security audits/mitigation.

Questions? Answers.

CampusPress can power anything from a set of class blogs to individual ePortfolios, to student projects, learning diaries or even your entire website. Just let us know how we can help.

We’re the same team behind, the largest and most trusted student publishing platform on the web and the first ever large WordPress Multisite installation.

Edublogs is designed for individual teachers to use with students, while CampusPress is is our organizational arm.

At no extra cost, we can authenticate using Google ‘G Suite’, LDAP, Shibboleth (we’re a member of the InCommon Federation), CAS, and any other custom SSO solutions that your require us to work with. Learn more here about our authentication options.

Our server network is hosted in state-of-the-art data centers and we employ the latest technologies and monitoring resources available to keep everything running smoothly and out of harms way.

Find out more about our hosting and security services.

We can provide support for your site administrators, teachers, students and IT team.

We will work with you to meet your needs, including setting up web-based or in-person training, handling all teacher/faculty support directly, and much more.

Interactive support content and access to our help desk is found right inside the WordPress dashboard, including videos and other helpful resources.

We have migrated dozens of networks that started off self-hosting but needed to switch services as their platforms grew. With our focus on the security and scalability of your network, we’ll plan out a migration timeline and review your current network to ensure a smooth transition.