Content monitor / banned words

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We have built many tools on top of WordPress that are available to our users.

Below is our documentation on how to use the tools that are intended for Super Admin users.

Content monitor

Content monitor can be used to monitor every site on your CampusPress network for bad words and will send an email if the word is used in a page or post.

You use as follows:

1. Go to Settings > Content Monitor in the network admin dashboard.

Go to Settings > Content Monitor.

2. Add the email address you want notifications sent to (if left blank the emails are sent to the network admin address listed in Settings > Network Settings).

3. Select Enabled, add your bad word list and click Save Changes.

Under Restrict Custom Code, Add an email address, Select Enabled and add your bad word list.

4. An email is automatically sent if a post or page is published that contains the bad word.

An email is automatically sent if a post or page is published that contains the bad word.

Banned Words

Words banned in comments. Comprised of a list of words that you mightn’t want students or a spammer to use in comments such as inappropriate words, pharmaceutical products or gambling related words.

Commenters see a warning if they try to add a comment that includes a banned word.

Commenters see the following warning - Sorry, your comment has been rejected because it contains one or two more of the following words: Gambling. Please try posting your comment again, but without these words.

Change Banned Words

Send an email to if you need words removed from the banned words or if you want banned words added.